Podermond.org home

Welcome! To Podermond.org


Will there be a blog? Some photos? News? Surely we'll find out soon. Welcome to the limits of my coding ability! My name is Paul. I'm mostly a musician, but also an avid camper, cyclist, rock climber, skier, etc. You know, general outdoors type stuff. Check below for what I'm getting up to. Who knows, I may even keep it up to date.

Thanks to this nice cat for teaching me HTML. I look forward to one day learning how to format this website into some kind of cohesive whole.

Current projects



I, for one, can't believe I went to university for six years and the SECOND I left, they shut off my access to scholarly journals. This page is an extremely welcome guide on bypassing paywalls.

Winnipeg Bike Jelly

CW: Social media site

Sheldon Brown

This is a great resource for all things related to old ten speeds